Specialist Diploma in Child Psychology

graduate diploma in education and child psychology

By: ASAS School

October 14, 2014


Program Introduction

A child psychology program learns the mind, societal and emotional development of children. If you love working with kids, do consider a profession as a child psychologist who understands, prevents, diagnoses and treats developmental, cognitive, social and emotional issues of a child.

Potential Career Path in following industry: Assistant in Childcare Centers, Counselors in Pre School, Nursery, Child Psychologist, Childcare worker.



Academic Requirements

  • Minimum 16 years old
  • 2 GCE ’O’ Level passes (minimum Grade C6) in any subjects, (OR)
  • Nitec, Higher Nitec or equivalent, (OR)
  • WSQ Certificate (any framework), (OR)
  • Mature Students (minimum 30 years old with 8 years of working experience)

Language Requirements

  • Language proficiency:
    • GCE O Level English C6 and above
    • or minimum IELTS 5.5
    • or PTEA 45
    • or WPLN level 5 in Listening, Reading, Speaking and Writing


Course Fees

If you apply for our programs, you can receive grants of up to S$200 for Specialist Diplomas.

SkillsFuture Credits: Singaporeans aged 25 and above may use their SkillsFuture credits of up to S$500.

Additional Grant and Government Subsidies: Singaporeans and PRs may receive additional student grant and Government subsidies of up to 70%.

Post-Secondary Education Account (PSEA): Singaporeans aged 21 to 30 may use their PSEA to offset up to S$3,420, if available, of their course fees.

For miscellaneous fees, kindly refer to the Payment of Fees page.

Leave us a message or give us a call at 6338 0727 to find out more about your eligibility for the above!


Course Commencement Dates

Please click here for the list of dates.


Structure and Duration

  • 8 Modules
  • Minimum 12 months, Part-time (Full-time study is not available)
  • 2 lessons per week
  • Weekday: 7.00pm – 9.30pm / Weekend: 9.00am – 6.00pm, or 9.00am – 1.00pm


Assessment Methods

The following types of direct assessment methods are used as evaluation tools for each module:

  • Assignments (60%)
  • Exam (40%)

Assignments may consist of Multiple choice, True/False, Short answer questions and written assignment such as essays, Case Studies, Critical Reviews and Research Papers.

The exam is held within 1 to 4 weeks after the last lesson.


Delivery Method



Graduation Requirements

  • Achieve a minimum 24 credits and earn at least a Grade Point Average (GPA) of 2.0.
  • Students will be conferred Specialist Diploma in Child Psychology upon completion, awarded by MindFORCE Academy.


Teaching Staff & Student-Teacher ratio

For complete list and profile of our lecturers, please click here

Average Teacher-Student ratio

  • MindFORCE Academy module 1:49
  • WSQ module 1:25



Click here to read students’ testimonials about this program.


Program Subjects

Students must complete 6 core electives and 2 free electives.

MindFORCE Academy does not offer all the subjects listed below each semester or each year. Certain subjects may be offered on an alternate-year basis or as determined by demand. Check with our consultants on the availability of the subjects: http://asasedu.com/contact-us/


Student Contract

Click here to download a sample of the student contract for this course.



Core Electives (Choose 6 modules from below)

ID Subject Title Credit Hours
1. Abnormal Child Psychology 3
2. Abnormal Psychology 3
3. Child Development 3
4. Developmental Psychology 3
5. Para-Counselling (WSQ) (Classroom & Asynchronous) 3
6. Write Reports 3

Free Electives

ID Subject Title Credit Hours
1. Cognitive Psychology 3
2. Early Intervention: Fundamentals and Principles (WSQ) 3
3. Early Intervention: Key Practices and Strategies (WSQ) (Classsroom & Asynchronous) 3
4. Ethics, Values and Legislation (WSQ) (Classroom & Asynchronous) 3
5. Parenting : Parent-Child Relationship 3
6. Resilience and Self-Care (WSQ) (Classroom & Asynchronous) 3
7. Service Challenges (WSQ) 0.5
8. Service Excellence (WSQ) 1

Course Plan

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