Specialist Diploma in Forensic Psychology

specialist diploma criminology

By: ASAS School

October 14, 2014


Program Introduction

Forensic Psychology involves applying psychology to the field of criminal investigation and law. It involves criminal profiling, narrowing down the suspect list, assessment and treatment of criminal behavior. It is also appropriate for students who want to go into paralegal studies, counselling, social welfare services, investigation and security line.

Careers involved working in Securities Industry, Law Firms, Rehabilitation & Correction Centers, Investigations, Community Services, Social Services, Counselors and Schools.



Academic Requirements

  • Minimum 16 years old
  • 2 GCE ’O’ Level passes (minimum Grade C6) in any subjects, (OR)
  • Nitec, Higher Nitec or equivalent, (OR)
  • WSQ Certificate (any framework), (OR)
  • Mature Students (minimum 30 years old with 8 years of working experience)

Language Requirements

  • Language proficiency:
    • GCE O Level English C6 and above
    • or minimum IELTS 5.5
    • or PTEA 45
    • or WPLN level 5 in Listening, Reading, Speaking and Writing


Course Fees

If you apply for our programs, you can receive grants of up to S$200 for Specialist Diplomas.

SkillsFuture Credits: Singaporeans aged 25 and above may use their SkillsFuture credits of up to S$500.

Additional Government Subsidies: Singaporeans and PRs may receive additional Government subsidies of up to 70%.

Post-Secondary Education Account (PSEA): Singaporeans aged 21 to 30 may use their PSEA to offset up to S$3,420, if available, of their course fees.

For miscellaneous fees, kindly refer to the Payment of Fees page.

Leave us a message or give us a call at 6338 0727 to find out more about your eligibility for the above!


Course Commencement Dates

Please click here for the list of dates.


Structure and Duration

  • 8 Modules
  • Minimum 12 months, Part-time (Full-time study is not available)
  • 2 lessons per week
  • Weekday: 7.00pm – 9.30pm / Weekend: 9.00am – 6.00pm, or 9.00am – 1.00pm


Assessment Methods

The following types of direct assessment methods are used as evaluation tools for each module:

  • Assignments (60%)
  • Exam (40%)

Assignments may consist of Multiple choice, True/False, Short answer questions and written assignment such as essays, Case Studies, Critical Reviews and Research Papers.

The exam is held within 1 to 4 weeks after the last lesson.


Delivery Method



Graduation Requirements

  • Achieve a minimum 24 credits and earn at least a Grade Point Average (GPA) of 2.0.
  • Students will be conferred Specialist Diploma in Forensic Psychology upon completion, awarded by MindFORCE Academy.


Teaching Staff & Student-Teacher ratio

For complete list and profile of our lecturers, please click here

Average Teacher-Student ratio

  • MindFORCE Academy module 1:49
  • WSQ module 1:25


Program Subjects

Students must complete 5 core electives and 3 free electives.

MindFORCE Academy does not offer all the subjects listed below each semester or each year. Certain subjects may be offered on an alternate-year basis or as determined by demand. Check with our consultants on the availability of the subjects: http://asasedu.com/contact-us/


Student Contract

Click here to download a sample of the student contract for this course.



Core Electives (Choose 5 modules from below)

ID Subject Title Credit Hours
1. Criminal Justice 3
2. Forensic Psychology 3
3. Theories of Crime Analysis 3
4. Theories of Criminal Behaviour 3
5. Write Reports 3

Free Electives

ID Subject Title Credit Hours
1. Abnormal Psychology 3
2. Ethics, Values and Legislation (WSQ) (Classroom & Asynchronous) 3
3. Para-Counselling (WSQ) (Classroom & Asynchronous) 3
4. Resilience and Self-Care (WSQ) (Classroom & Asynchronous) 3
5. Service Challenges (WSQ) 0.5
6. Service Excellence (WSQ) 1
7. Social Psychology 3

Course Plan

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