MindFORCE Syllabus

MindFORCE Syllabus

Syllabus is based on past year textbooks, there may be changes to current year textbooks’ edition.
MindFORCE Academy does not offer all the subjects listed below each semester or each year. Certain subjects may be offered on an alternate-year basis or as determined by demand. Check with our consultants on the availability of the subjects: https://mindforceacademy.edu.sg/contact-us/


Psychology & Counseling Subjects

Abnormal Child Psychology (PSYC 305)
Abnormal Psychology (PSYC 430)
Behavior Modification (PSYC 385)
Child Development (PSYC 204)
Child Play Therapy (PSYC 388)
Children with Special Needs (ED 380)
Cognitive Psychology (PSYC 414)
Counseling and Psychotherapy (PSYC 427)
Developmental Psychology (PSYC 207)
Education Psychology (ED 345/PSYC 358)
Ethics in Counselling (ETHICS 203)
Forensic Psychology (PSYC 384)
Group Counseling Process & Practice (PSYC 314)
Helping Relationships (PSYC 313)
Organization Psychology (PSYC 350A)
Parenting: Parent-Child Relationship (PSYC 480)
Practicum – Psychological Counseling Skills (PRAC 901)
Psychological Testing and Assessment (PSYC 346)
Research Methods (PSYC 399)
Theories of Personality (PSYC 465)


Sociology & Criminology Subjects

Crime & Delinquency (SOC 245)
Criminal Justice (SOC 346)
Family Violence (SOC 341)
Marriage & Family (SOC 320)
Social Problems & Social Welfare (SOC 251)
Social Psychology (SOC 401)
Theories of Crime Analysis (CRJ 405)
Theories of Criminal Behavior (CRJ 415)
Victimology (SOC 479)


Business & Hospitality Subjects

Human Resource Management (BUS 362)
Principles of Management (BUS 361)


WSQ Courses

Case Management in Practice (WSQ) (Classroom & Asynchronous) (TGS-2020504402)
Classroom Management (WSQ) (Classroom & Asynchronous) (TGS-2020505817)
Early Intervention: Fundamentals and Principles (WSQ) (TGS-2020504078)
Early Intervention: Key Practices And Strategies (WSQ) (Classroom & Asynchronous) (TGS-2020504079)
Ethics, Values and Legislation (WSQ) (Classroom & Asynchronous) (TGS-2020001706)
Family and Caregiver Engagement (WSQ) (Classroom & Asynchronous)  (TGS-2020505813)
Para-Counselling (WSQ) (Classroom & Asynchronous) (TGS-2020503182)
Resilience and Self-Care (WSQ) (Classroom & Asynchronous) (TGS-2020503237)
Service Challenges (WSQ) (TGS-2019503789)
Service Excellence (WSQ) (TGS-2019503788)
Write Reports (TGS-2016500582)