


This course focuses on the victims rather than the offenders: why they have been “rediscovered” recently, why they often do not report crimes to the police, how some victims might share responsibility for the crimes with the offenders, how they can be repaid for their losses through offender restitution and government compensation; and what new services are available to help victims prevent crime and survive attacks.


Learning Outcomes:

Learning Outcomes
The learning will:
Assessment Criteria
1. Knowledge and understanding of Victimology with regards to: 1.1 Understanding the major concepts and theories when working with victims and the criminal system.

1.2 Examining how individual differences in social, cultural and historical context may influence the perception of victims.

2. Develop and apply critical-thinking skills within the domain of Victimology and how it affects individuals with mental health concerns, enabling students to: 2.1 Demonstrate an ability to utilize critical-thinking that includes open-mindedness and the scientific process.

2.2 Demonstrate an attitude of receptivity to new knowledge and intellectual engagement.

3. Understanding how the knowledge of Victimology may interact with broader frameworks, enabling students to: 3.1 Understand how the concepts, theories and research of understasnding how crimes impact victims, may be used to analyze and form better structures for public policy and practice.

3.2 Critically analyze theories and research relating to treatment of victims.


Course Outline

  • What is Victimology?
  • The Rediscovery of Crime Victims
  • A Closer Look at the Victims of Interpersonal Crimes
    of Violence and Theft
  • The Ongoing Controversy over Shared Responsibility
  • Victims and the Police
  • Victims’ Rights and the Criminal Justice System
  • Victimized Children
  • Victims of Violence by Lovers and Family Members
  • Victims of Rapes and Other Sexual Assaults
  • Additional Groups of Victims with Special Problems
  • Repaying Victims
  • Victims in the Twenty-First Century: Alternative Directions


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