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Congratulations to our June Graduates!

By: ASAS School

July 6, 2018


We send our heartfelt congratulations to our most recent graduates, who have completed their respective Diploma Courses and their Professional Certificate Courses! We hope that your efforts and achievements will only serve to pave the path for your future More...

Office Closure Notice

By: ASAS School

June 12, 2018



Tactical Career Planning for Mature Students

By: ASAS School

June 1, 2018


Having a sound career not only gives you financial independence, but also provides the social and societal recognition that you deserve. Moreover, a career path promotes the personal growth and development of a person. Having a realistic and attainable ca More...

Congratulations to our Graduating Students!

By: ASAS School

May 30, 2018


  Our heartiest congratulations to our students here at MindFORCE Academy who have recently graduated from their respective Diploma Courses as well as their Professional Certificate Courses! As John Dewey once said, "Education is not preparation f More...

ASAS Financial Aid for Application for June 2018

By: ASAS School

May 30, 2018


We’re offering Student Grants for the upcoming June and July intake! Sign up with us before 22 June 2018, you can receive:

  • up to S$800 student grant for Specialist Diplomas,
  • up to S$1,700 for Advanced Diplom More...

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