Congratulations to our October 2019 graduates!

Congratulations to our October 2019 graduates!

By: ASAS School

October 24, 2019

We send our heartfelt congratulations to our most recent graduates, who have completed their respective Diploma Courses and their Professional Certificate Courses! We hope that your efforts and achievements will only serve to pave the path for your future successes ahead, and we wish you all the best in your future endeavors!

“Learning is the only thing the mind never exhausts, never fears, and never regrets.”
– Leonardo da Vinci

Once again, happy graduation to our graduates of the class of October 2019!


MindFORCE Academy Diplomas
Program Name
Advanced Diploma of Arts (Forensic Psychology Emphasis) Dinunacini Tulasinathan
Advanced Diploma of Arts (Child Psychology Emphasis) Asiyah Binte Abdul Halim
Advanced Diploma of Arts (Criminology Emphasis) Priya D/O Amuritha Lingam
Advanced Diploma of Arts (Psychology Studies and Criminology Emphasis) Dean Sandra Tian San De
Graduate Diploma in Clinical and Counseling Psychology Chia Wang Heng
Ainul Hikmah Binte Aminul Rashid
Khyrana Oktivia Pambudi
Graduate Diploma in Educational and Child Psychology Ainul Hikmah Binte Aminul Rashid
Khyrana Oktivia Pambudi
Specialist Diploma in Child Psychology Yee Boon Chen
Arriaty Binte Mohamed Tab
Specialist Diploma in Counseling Psychology Arriaty Binte Mohamed Tab
Ghulam Fariq Mohmood
Navin Chand S/O Balachandran
Specialist Diploma in Criminology Daarshanie D/O Subramainam
Navin Chand S/O Balachandran
Specialist Diploma in Forensic Psychology Daarshanie D/O Subramainam
Anyanimeabasi Peter Macaulay
Specialist Diploma in Psychology Studies Chua Hui Min, Michelle
Specialist Diploma in Special Needs Education Pay Mei Fang (Bai MeiFang)
 Once again, congratulations to our graduates. Your hard work has paid off!