Congratulations to our Graduating Students!
May 30, 2018
Our heartiest congratulations to our students here at MindFORCE Academy who have recently graduated from their respective Diploma Courses as well as their Professional Certificate Courses! As John Dewey once said, “Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself.” The courses might have ended, but we encourage everyone to never stop learning and improving, and to keep pursuing their dreams. With that, we wish them all the best as well as continued success in all their endeavours.
Once again, congratulations to all our graduates:
Advanced Diploma of Arts
Arul Anand Eric Lucio Erucio Das S/O A Sudha Ann N
Durga D/O Vairavan Thevar
Junaidah Binte Abdul Hamid
Lau Li Koon (Liu Lijun)
Mohammad Hazril Bin Rosle
Siti Khatijah Binte Maideen
Graduate Diploma in Clinical and Counseling Psychology
Manisha Ashu Nijhawan
Pang Chiann Koun (Peng Qunguan)
Graduate Diploma in Education and Child Psychology
Rae Marie Ababon Panal
Villaganas Victoria Angeles Albaran
Specialist Diploma in Child Psychology
Nazeera Begum Binte Syed Tajudeen
Rojaabanu D/O Abdul Rahim
Specialist Diploma in Social Welfare
Arinne Bte Abu
Specialist Diploma in Special Needs Education
Juliana Binte Mohamed Yatim
ATHE Level 4 Certificate In Management For Health and Social Care
Noor Amirah Binte Mohd Amran
Premavathy D/O Manikam
Rosshani D/O Stalniraj
ATHE Level 4 Diploma in Management
Lau Mei Leng
Lee Kin Ping
Ong Geok Choo
ATHE Level 4 Diploma in Management for Health and Social Care
Arinne Bte Abu
Nafizah Binte Ahmad Fittri
Professional Certificate in Behavior Modification
Farhanah Binte Saleh
Nurliyana Binte Saleh
Professional Certificate in Cognitive Psychology
Khyrana Oktivia Pambudi
Lai Yoke Kheng Freda
Norjannah Nadirah Binte Azman
Siti Nurkhairina Binte Johari
Stella Kwee
Professional Certificate in Communication Skills
Wan Asnizar Binte Basar
Professional Certificate in Communication Skills (Health & Social Care)
Junaidah Binte Abdul Hamid
Professional Certificate in Introduction to Sociology
Nur Syahirah Binte Abdul Rahman
Thamarai D/O Vethamanikam
Professional Certificate in People in Organisations
Ghulam Fariq Mahmood
Nur Sofiawati Binte Nasruddin
Professional Certificate in Theories of Criminal Behavior
Goh Pei Ling Janice
Goh Ze Nan
Ingrid Liau Pei Pei
Mathavan Nair S/O Mukunan Nair