The Industry-Wide Course Fee Protection Scheme (IWC) serves to protect the students’ fees in the event a Private Education Institution (PEI) is unable to continue operations due to insolvency, and/or regulatory closure.
The student is also protected if the PEI fails to pay penalties or return fees to the student arising from judgments made against it by the Singapore courts.
Fee Protection Company: Lonpac Insurance BHD
Policy Number: Z/24/BM01/001124
Students may submit feedback through submission of feedback form and email to [email protected]. Click here to download feedback form.
Students may request for leave of absence through submission of Leave Application Form accompanied by Supporting Documents and email to [email protected] . Click here to download the Leave Application Form.
Requests for transfer are treated as withdrawal from a course and treated as a new application for a new course.
Student must meet the entry requirements of the course applied for.
For students under 18 years old, request for transfer/withdrawal must be accompanied by student’s parent/ guardian approval in written form.
Course fees paid for the current course can be transferrable to the new course subject to MindFORCE Academy’s approval. Any transfer of fees will be prorated on the unconsumed fees.
MindFORCE Academy reserves the right to not grant transfer for course fees.
Upon approval of the transfer/withdrawal, the previous student contract will be considered as void.
Conditions for granting of Transfer and Withdrawal:
Conditions for Refund:
Student Pass Status
For Course Transfers:
For Course Withdrawals:
Timeframe for assessing and processing transfer/ withdrawal cases
Please click here for the transfer procedure, and click here to download a copy of the transfer form.
Please click here for the withdrawal procedure, and click here to download a copy of the withdrawal form.
Deferment is only allowed up to a period of 6 months. For deferment period of more than 6 months, it will be subject to Management’s approval. For Deferment procedure, please click here.
In principle, both written and verbal communications are accepted for ease of providing feedback. The school reserves the final say if written submission of a feedback is required under special circumstances which the school deems such documentation necessary.
Academic Affairs Department (Student Services Team) is required to respond to students within 3 working days of receipt of the feedback/complaint.
All feedbacks/complaints must be resolved within 21 working days.
In the event that an agreement cannot be reached, students will be referred to Singapore Mediation Centre (SMC) or Singapore Institute of Arbitrators (SIArb) through CPE Student Services Centre for mediation and for WSQ courses, they will be referred to WSQ Feedback Portal – SSG -WSQ Click here to know more.
Students may appeal for examination results and submit application for review of the grades to [email protected].
Click here to download Examination Appeal Form.
1. Upon the release of results, student who are dissatisfied with the outcome may submit an Examination Appeal Form to the Student Support Executive.
2. This is to be done within 7 working days of the release of examination results.
3. The Academic Affairs HOD will review the appeal request and decide if it is a valid appeal.
4. All decisions made by the Examination Board are final.
5. Students will be informed of the outcome within 1 month from the date of appeal.
To find out more about our Student Performance Outcomes, please click the below links:
Progression Rate (by courses)
Graduation and Passing Rate (Year 2017)
For further information on Private Education matters, please refer to the Committee of Private Education (CPE) website .