Internship and Job Opportunities

Internship and Job Opportunities

The lack of experience is often the deterrent for many students seeking jobs. So how do you gain experience if no one is willing to hire you? Participate in internships!


About MindFORCE Academy Internships:

  • Students volunteer time and effort in exchange for practical experience.
  • Students are placed in a structured work environment, supervised by a professional in the field. Depending on the organizations, there might be supervision fees charged.
  • Our internship programs are not compulsory for graduation.


Benefits of Internships:

  • Gain Valuable Work Experience That Employers Seek
  • Apply Skills and Knowledge Gained in Classrooms
  • Gain Industry Knowledge and Understand If This is Right For You
  • Build Important Networking Contacts for Future Job Opportunities
  • Increase Your Marketability by Boosting Your Resumes
  • Increase Self-Confidence and Personal Growth


Application Criteria and Procedure:

  • It is advisable for students to have completed at least 80% of course curriculum with a minimum GPA of 2.3 at the point of Application for Internship.
  • MindFORCE Academy assumes no responsibility and liability for any dispute with the centre.
  • Students who meet the above criteria, please email [email protected] for an appointment.

Listed below are the organizations that MindFORCE Academy is in collaboration with, providing you with several job opportunities.

Organization Job Title Job Type Contact Person
Red School House

English Language Teacher

FT/PT Ms Rachel Goh

[email protected]

Red School House

Chinese Language Teacher

FT Ms Rachel Goh

[email protected]

Red School House

Assistant Teacher

FT Ms Rachel Goh

[email protected]

EduFirst Learning Centre LLP

Student Care Teacher

FT, PT, Intern Ms Felicia

[email protected]

Train Kids Early Intervention and Educare Centre LLP

Early Interventionist

Intern Ms Faizzah

[email protected]

Ichiban Nurtureland Kindergarten Early Intervention Teacher FT, PT, Intern Ms Fadhilah

[email protected]

Allegro Education Centre Phonics Tutors PT Ms Alethea Ng

[email protected]

SASCO Senior Citizens’ Home HealthCare Assistant FT Ms Jessie Yuen

[email protected]

Note*: FT=Full Time; PT= Part Time

For additional information on the positions available, feel free to contact us at: [email protected]

Listed below are the organizations that MindFORCE Academy recommend students to gain work experience.


Pathlight School

Pathlight School is the first autism-focused school in Singapore to offer a unique blend of mainstream academic curriculum and life readiness skills. We are currently the largest special education school in Singapore and due to our further expansion, we invite candidates who have proven commitment and competence to join us in the role of Teacher.

Pathlight School is run by the not-for-profit charity Autism Resource Centre (Singapore) or ARC(S) based in Singapore. ARC(S) is dedicated to serving children and adults on the autism spectrum, to help these individuals lead meaningful and independent lives in society. ARC(S) offers a wide range of services: Pathlight School and two social enterprises, The Art Faculty and Professor Brawn


  • Providing effective class support to students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) using 5 ASD friendly features in classrooms
  • Providing 1:1 behvaioral support to students who require added support
  • Working collaboratively with Educators to prepare teaching materials and resources for lessons and workshops
  • Contributing to school-wide projects, co-curricular activities (CCAs), subject and event committees in your assigned department and/or other departments
  • Any other responsibilities as assigned by your Supervisor

Duration of Internship

  • End December 2022 to End May/June 2023
  • End May 2023 to End November/December 2023

Minimum Requirements

  • At Least GCE ‘A’ Level/Diploma Holder

Additional Information:

  • For additional information on the job description click here
  • For Pathlight’s Microsite click here


MERCU Learning Point

MERCU Learning Point is a private education centre that offers a comprehensive range of programmes and services for children aged 2 months to 12 years. Its network comprises four school-based student care centres, a kindergarten care centre and an enrichment wing.

Whee!Canopus Student Care facilitates the development of Primary 1 to Primary 6 students through an array of values-based programmes that incorporates the school’s values. Kindergarten Care (KCare), begins its establishment since 2 January 2019, offering Kindergarten 1 and Kindergarten 2 children, a safe and conducive environment to play, explore and discover. Stellar Champs Enrichment is a platform for children to cultivate their innate talents towards their individual best, by providing a fun and creative environment, appropriate integrated learning tools and collaboration with the community and parents.

MERCU prides in establishing a collaborative environment with parents and schools as important catalysts in the children’s development. With the tagline Starting Young, Aiming High, programmes are robustly designed to maximise the children’s capabilities and propel them to greater heights.


  • Conduct lessons according to the centre’s curriculum
  • Manage care routine for primary school children
  • Supervise homework, life-skills & recreational activities
  • Conduct indoor & outdoor activities
  • Assist with field trips, excursions or visits
  • Provide a positive, nurturing, safe & secure learning environment for students
  • Inform supervisor of any noteworthy incidents that occur while the students are under your supervision
  • Perform other related duties as required

Click here for more information on MERCU Learning Point.

How To Apply
Interested applicants should email Linda at [email protected] and attach your latest CV.



Established in 1990, SUN-DAC was the first void deck Day Activity Centre in the community. We are a non-profit Social Service Agency that serves and cares for persons with disabilities in 3 centres (Upper Thomson, Choa Chu Kang and Bedok).

Most of our clients are persons with moderate to severe disabilities. In our Day Activity Centre, we train clients in 4 main domains which are Activities of Daily Living (ADL), Community Living skills (CLS), Pre-Vocational Skills and Behaviour Management. The trainings are embedded in their day-to-day routine at the centre that includes recreational and leisure activities.

Caregiver support is another part of the work that we do to help build inclusive communities in Singapore, prevent social isolation and make a difference in the lives of our clients and caregivers.

Internship positions available:

Students who are interested to embark on an internship with SUN-DAC will gain exposure as a Training Officer intern. The intern will have the opportunity to train and interact with Adults with Disabilities under the supervision and guidance of the Training Officers. The interns will learn to modify, plan and conduct activities for PWDs. A minimum commitment period of 3 months will be required and interested candidates will be interviewed prior to placement.

Additional Information:

  • For Sun-Dac’s Website click here
  • For more details on Internships offered at Sun-Dac, please send an email enquiry by clicking here


The Relational Counseling Studio

The Relational consists of a team of psychologists, counsellors, supervisors and trainers with different specialties. Their services include psychotherapy, family counselling, group therapy, couple therapy, child therapy and professional coaching. The team is completely international with specialists from USA, Australia, Europe, India and Singapore.

Practicum – 150 hours

Hours Constituent Structures
100 Direct Contact Able to practice fundamental or/and advanced Counselling Skills and Techniques
40 Non-Contact Journal Writing, Attend Workshops/Seminars, Administrative duties at Counseling Centre
10 Clinical Supervision Individual supervision to enhance professional development and self-awareness/learning

For more information on The Relational, please visit


MindChamps Allied Care

MindChamps Allied Care uses evidence-based practice, an integration of research evidence with clinical expertise and your child’s values and preference to achieve improved therapy outcomes. The MindChamps Allied Care team strongly believes in working closely with family to support child’s development. This is an unpaid internship, undertaken on a voluntary basis.

Internship Hours

Interns would be required to work on:

  • Saturday (9am – 12pm) or
  • Saturday (1.30pm – 4.30pm) or
  • Sunday (9am – 12pm)

You are required to commit for at least 3 months to 6 months.

Job Description for Interns

1. Classroom support involving teaching pedagogy for children with various abilities

2. Alongside the psychologist, design and implement behavioural interventions with a focus on teaching children how to develop effective cognitive skills, learning strategies, personal and social skills.

3. Assisting the psychologist with social skills group work based on formulation of each student’s strengths and needs, while taking into account the group dynamics.

4. Participate in using research to formulate strategies for parents to use in the form of flyers

Click here for more information on MindChamps Allied Care.

How To Apply

Interested applicants should email Linda at [email protected] and attach your latest CV.


Kidz Treehouse by Kowabunga Education Pte. Ltd

With more than 12 years of extensive research and experience in the education industry, Kidz Treehouse has developed a premium student care program  focused on the children’s holistic development through experiencing the beauty of nature.

Internship Opportunities

Kidz Treehouse is offering a 6 months paid internship program for MindFORCE Academy students who are currently taking programs in  the areas of Child Psychology, Educational Psychology, Counseling Psychology or Special Needs Education.

Interns would be required to work from Monday to Friday, 9am to 6pm.

Job Summary

  • Develop children’s’ character via value-based curriculum
  • Coach and mentor primary school children in their homework for English language, Mathematics, Science and/or Chinese language subjects
  • Conduct enrichment programmes (Art & Craft, Patch Farming, Outdoor Games)
  • Maintain regular communication with parents on their children’s character development and academic progress
  • Ensuring safety and security of the children at all times
  • Develop creative syllabus and lesson plans


  • Minimum O Levels (and above)
  • Strong passion for teaching children
  • Prior experience in student care or teaching is desired
  • Interact well with children and parents
  • A deep Love and Care for children
  • Enjoy nature, Fun natured

Work Location

  • Numerous branches around Singapore available

More information on Kidz Treehouse can be found here at



FaithActs is a non-profit community care service serving the needs of children, youths, families and seniors in Queenstown since 2004. The centre is located at Blk 50, Commonwealth Drive, # 01- 506, Singapore 142050. We aim to reach out and impact the lives of people through the provision of programmes and services which meet community needs and alleviate social problems, regardless of their ethnic, socio-economic and religious backgrounds.

Internship Opportunities
We are offering a 3-month paid internship to MindFORCE Academy students who are keen to explore working in the social work sector. Interns will gain exposure in working directly with children, youth and families in the community. On-the-job training will be provided to enable interns to engage our beneficiaries successfully.

Volunteer Opportunities
All students are welcome to volunteer in our programmes to impact the lives of our beneficiaries. The programmes available are:


No. Programme Schedule Description Commitment
1 Tuition (Primary) Wednesdays, 7.30pm – 9.30pm Tuition is used as a platform to engage the children not just in their studies but also their lives. Volunteers are not just tutors but mentors who spur the youth and children on in their life journeys. 1 semester (4-5months). Volunteers who are studying may take a break for their exam preparations.
2 Tuition (Secondary) Thursdays, 7.30pm – 9.30pm
3 Early Learning Programme (ELP) Once every two Saturdays, 9.30am – 12.30pm ELP is an early intervention programme targeted at children from low income families who are weak in their English literacy skills. 1 year. Volunteers have to attend a 2-day training (held on weekends).
4 KidsLEAP(Learning English for Academic Proficiency) Thursdays,

3pm – 4.30pm

KidsLEAP is an English literacy programme that aims to help children understand, speak and write better. 1 semester (12 weekly sessions)


Volunteers will be issued a letter of certification or testimonial depending on the number of hours served.

More information on our children and youth programs can be found here at


Youth Guidance Outreach Services

Youth Guidance Outreach Services (YGOS) began working with troubled youth since 1983, in response to an increasing awareness of youth-at-risk. As a Christian-value based youth services organization (YSO), it seeks to reach out and help these young people to return to mainstream and adopt a lifestyle that makes a positive contribution to society.

Volunteer with YGOS

YGOS is welcoming students as volunteers as well. Volunteer duties may include assisting in conducting casework, various group work sessions, family intervention and intake assessment for walk-in counseling cases. Other duties includes weekly drop in activities for neighborhood youths, street contact and outreach activities.
Internship with YGOS

YGOS is providing a 150 hours practicum and a 90 hours practicum. The main duties of a student intern will include assisting in conducting casework, group work and family intervention, home visit family support, conducting of introductory meeting at Police Station and intake assessment for counseling cases.

Practicum A (150 hours)

  • Direct contact (100 hours) – Conduct individual counseling, family intervention, group work and casework
  • Non contact (40 hours) – Case report writing and case discussion
  • Clinical Supervision (10 hours) – Case formulation and case presentation

Practicum B (90 hours)

  • Direct contact (50 hours) – Conduct individual counseling, family intervention, group work and casework
  • Non contact (34 hours) – Case report writing and case discussion
  • Clinical Supervision (6 hours) – Case formulation and case presentation

Students taking the Graduate Diploma programs will be eligible to apply for the internship. Students who have successfully completed their practicum will receive a reference letter from YGOS.

For more information on Youth Guidance Outreach Service please visit:



Club HEAL believes in nurturing positive and meaningful experiences between volunteers and clients. Do join us if:

  • You would like to contribute to Club HEAL’s programmes
  • Aged 16 years old and above
  • Able to attend Club HEAL’s training sessions

This is how you can become a volunteer in Club HEAL.

1. Complete the Club HEAL Training programmes


Please contact us for the upcoming training session:
[email protected]

Fb: Club H.E.A.L

There are 2 training sessions namely:

1.      The HEALing Friends Training (Targeting clients with Mental Illness)

2.      The Silver Volunteers Training (Targeting clients with Dementia)

2. Screening of all applicants


 Club HEAL reserves the right to accept or decline applicants based on their interests/availability and the current needs of Club HEAL’s clients.

Selected applicants will undergo an interview sessions with a Club HEAL service staff.

3. Congratulations! You are a Club HEAL volunteer!! The volunteer coordinator will endeavour to match volunteers to relevant activities/clients. Please understand that this process is on a needs basis and may take some time.
4. Record keeping Each volunteer will keep a record for each encounter with the assigned client for admin purposes.


Club HEAL welcomes volunteers to partake in their activities. Interested students can refer here for the voluntary roles and application process and here to complete the volunteer form.

For more information on Club Heal, please visit:


Singapore Personal Counselling Service

Singapore Personal Counselling Service (SPCS) collaborates with MindFORCE Academy to provide students the hours needed to complete their practicum / internship. Upon successful completion, students will be awarded Certificate of Completion by SPCS.

Students will be given an opportunity to observe cases in non-profit organizations such as welfare homes for the aged, children orphanage homes, student care, child care, family centers, etc. Site supervisor will be arranged to ensure students gain sufficient experience before they embark their career journey.

Practicum A – 150 hours

Hours Constituent Structures
80 Direct Contact Able to practice fundamental or/and advanced Counselling Skills and Techniques
60 Non-Contact Journal Writing, Attend Workshops/Seminars, Administrative duties at Counseling Centre
10 Clinical Supervision Individual supervision to enhance professional development and self-awareness/learning


Practicum B – 120 hours

Hours Constituent Structures
60 Direct Contact Able to practice fundamental or/and advanced Counselling Skills and Techniques
50 Non-Contact Journal Writing, Attend Workshops/Seminars, Administrative duties at Counseling Centre
10 Clinical Supervision Individual supervision to enhance professional development and self-awareness/learning


Practicum C – 50 hours

Hours Constituent Structures
25 Direct Contact Able to practice fundamental or/and advanced Counselling Skills and Techniques
20 Non-Contact Journal Writing, Attend Workshops/Seminars, Administrative duties at Counseling Centre
5 Clinical Supervision Individual supervision to enhance professional development and self-awareness/learning


For more information on SPCS, please visit


The Therapy Room 


The Therapy Room prides itself as a centre that incorporates different psychological techniques to manage the client’s concerns in the most effective way. The Therapy Room is committed to helping their clients reach their maximum potential in their well being. They offer a range of psychological services and therapeutic interventions including: psychological interventions (e.g. depression, addictions), psychological tests (e.g. personality, intelligence) and hold workshops and talks (e.g. stress management).

The Therapy Rooms provides minimum 150 hours of internship of which a minimum of 12 hours will be face-to-face supervision.

* This internship is only available for Graduate Diploma students from MindFORCE Academy.

Hours Constituent Structures
60 Direct Contact Able to practice fundamental or/and advanced Counselling Skills and Techniques
78 Non-Contact Journal Writing, Attend Workshops/Seminars, Administrative duties at Counseling Centre
12 Face-to-face Supervision Individual supervision to enhance professional development and self-awareness/learning

For more information, please visit The Therapy Room at




Yayasan MENDAKI (Council for the Development of Singapore Malay/Muslim Community) is a pioneer Self-Help Group formed in 1982 dedicated to empower the community through excellence in education, in the context of a multi-racial and multi-religious Singapore. For students who are looking at a career in Counseling, Psychology, Criminology or Social Welfare, this is a great opportunity and should not be missed.


A. Mendaki Volunteer Programs available to MindFORCE Academy Students


a. Mentoring students between the ages of 10 – 17 (Youth-in-Action)

b. Early Childhood Programs:

i. Befrienders; and/ or

ii. Child Minders

c. Talks/ Sharing during Mentoring Training for Mendaki Mentors


B. Benefits for MindFORCE Academy Students


a. Hours volunteered can be considered towards a letter of recommendation

b. Students will be able to gain practical insights as well as administrative experience

c. Students will have the opportunity to be involved in real life situations which will be invaluable


More information on MENDAKI and its Volunteer programs can be found here


Regional Human Skills


MindFORCE Academy has partnered with Human Region Skills to offer mentorship programs for Graduate Diploma students who wants to gain experience in the counselling profession. Students who complete the 150hrs of mentoring program with Human Region Skills will receive a Certificate of Completion issued by Regional Human Skills and endorsed by the Association of Psychotherapists and Counsellors (Singapore) (APACS

More information on Regional Human Skills can be found here

Below is the breakdown below on the 150hrs training program:

Hours Constituent
60 Supervised site practicum
10 Clinical supervision
30 Group supervision / personal development
20 Course in Ethical Behavior and Conduct
30 Record keeping / journal writing


Job Opportunity at MINDS – Training Officer

Work environment is a day activities centre or a sheltered workshop for Persons with Intellectual Disability (PWIDs) of age 19 and above.

As a Training Officer, you must be prepared to:

  1. Clean up PWIDs who soiled themselves at times.
  2. Attend training, workshops, or short courses sponsored by MINDS.  This is to equip our staff with competencies required for the role.
  3. Work Monday to Friday 8:30am to 5:30pm

* Salary of a Training Officer is in the range of $1700 to $2500 per month with attractive benefits.

If you are keen to be part of our Training Officer team, please click HERE for the Job Description and kindly assist to fill up this questionnaire and we will get in contact with you soon.

You may also send us a copy of your updated resume to [email protected]

Please ensure you have included all these information inside your resume:

  • Last drawn and expected salary*
  • Availability to start work upon job offer
  • Reasons for leaving current and past employment
  • Reason for applying the position

For more information about EDCs and TDCs, please click HERE.

EDCs – Employment Development Centre

TDCs – Training & Development Centre



Internship Posting Disclaimer

MindFORCE Academy posts notices of internship and field experience opportunities as a service to students. MindFORCE Academy do not have any supervisory or administrative role in any of these programs. We do not review, nor does it render an opinion as to the safety and quality of any of these internship or field experience programs and placement sites and do not in any way represents or acts as agent of the internship or field experience placement sites.

Students assume all responsibility to investigate and to become informed of all aspects of the internships and field experience opportunities posted, and MindFORCE Academy assumes no liability for any loss, damage, illness, or personal injury that may be sustained by students in the course of participating in an internship or field experience posted by MindFORCE Academy.