


MindFORCE Modules (Psychology Courses)

Matthew Koh

Group Counseling – October 2024 Intake

I enjoyed the Group Counselling module very much. Lina’s wealth of knowledge and extensive experience in group counseling are truly impressive. Her ability to engage the class and create a supportive learning environment is commendable. The experiential sessions, where we participated as group members or co-facilitators, were particularly eye-opening and provided a sneak preview of real-world group counseling dynamics. These hands-on experiences deepened my understanding and made the learning process incredibly impactful.

Shafika Nur Annisa Bte Mohsiadi

Marriage and Family - Sept 2020 Intake

I learned a-lot about different kinds of family backgrounds and understand the meaning of not neglecting feelings.

Charlotte Gail Ang

Cognitive Psychology, Jul 2022

[The Lecturer] prepared material which aided in our learning and the pre-class quiz provided was useful to gauge how much we learn on our own before having the lesson.

Shazlia Danielle

Cognitive Psychology, Jul 2022

[The lecturer] creates an open, comfortable and uplifting atmosphere. Lessons are actively engaging and there are frequent recaps to ensure we remember the content.

Janice Chiu Dong Fuh

Marriage and Family, Apr 2022

The course in insightful and opened my eyes to a variety of relationships and families.

Sumithra Seger

Marriage and Family, Apr 2022

I really learned a lot about marriage and divorce. [The pace of the lesson] is very understandable and easy to absorb.

Emilda Binte Sulaiman

Organizational Psychology - 21 Jun 2021

“Good activities and practices which is engaging. Clear objectives and assessment from the beginning of the class. The professor gave a lot of feedback and pointers for us to understand better.”


Organizational Psychology - 21 Jun 2021

“The Lecturer is very patient, explained in detail and answers all the questions of students”

Laura Alicia Lawrence

Organizational Psychology - 21 Jun 2021

“Personally, I felt that the lecturer communicates very well and the course was well taught.”

Farahshidah Binte Abdul Rashid

Abnormal Psychology - March 2020 Intake

[The Lecturer] shared [her] interesting cases examples from her experiences as a psychologist

Seah Xin Ping

Helping Relationships - Jul 2020 Intake

Having a nice lecturer to conduct this helping relationships module. She’s a good role model. [The] lecturer to provide constructive feedbacks on students’ assignment. [The lecturer goes through] one topic [for] one lesson instead of rushing through

Jayanthi D/O Ramachandran

Helping Relationships - Jul 2020 Intake

[The lecturer] was excellent that she was very patient, passionate and resourceful. [The lecturer] also give us tips about choosing the career if we are going to work as Counselors or social worker. Any questions we ask [The lecturer]   give us answers in a simple but perfect answer. She doesn't pass any hurtful comment or cut us off rudely. [The lecturer]   is the best teacher among the best. [The lecturer] is very cheerful.

Ruzanna Binte Hafiz

Freshman Composition - Sept 2020 Intake

[The lecturer] has done a great job in keeping the knowledge flow and able to get me engage throughout the lessons.

Jayanthi D/O Ramachandran

Marriage and Family - Sept 2020 Intake

[The lecturer] was very jovial, make us feel comfortable , very knowledgeable and also excellent lecture to deliver lecture. Not even once she cut us off when we ask her questions. [The lecturer] is also very professional in handling student’s questions. [The lecturer] has never pass any comments or ignore our questions. [The lecturer] will make sure that we ask questions rather than keep talking.

Clarissa Lim

Behaviour Modification - January 2020 Intake

[Behaviour Modification has] very good content and [it is] very applicable

Rabiatul Adawiyah Barrique Binte Omar

Abnormal Psychology - Oct 2020 Intake

[The lecturer shared many] Slides and YouTube video links help [us] to better explain the diagnosis. [It was an] Very informative module

Tang Choon Hui

Abnormal Psychology - Oct 2020 Intake

The lessons are useful and gain more knowledge about abnormal psychology. [The] lecturer was able to guide us and provide information/case studies to relate to the certain disorder. the lecturer was responsive and provide answers to questions. [Overall it was an] interesting course

Najmun Nisha Binte Mohamed Farouk

Developmental Psychology - Dec 2020 Intake

[The lecturer] clears [my] doubts and he explains what he expects from us. [The lecturer] explains and all the questions [we had for our] essay which helps me to write better.

Chan Hui Yan

Abnormal Psychology - Oct 2020 Intake

I like that [the lecturer] is always readily available, always helping the students, giving clear answers to our questions. [the lecturer also] gives everyone equal time and opportunities to learn and speak out.  

Kokilah D/O P R Muniandi

Developmental Psychology - Dec 2020 Intake

I like the whole module. Learnt [a lot] more than what I have know[n] on individual theories. [I] have [a] better understanding [of the module]

Malejana Marivic Laurente

Education Psychology - March 2020 Intake

[The lecturer was able to keep me interested during class by] use[ing] pictures and ICT to keep me interested

Clarissa Lim

Child Play Therapy - March 2020 Intake

[The good features of the module is the] lecturer shares very relevant examples and cases

Ng Hwee Eng (Huang Huiying)

Education Psychology - March 2020 Intake

[The lecturer was] very well knowledgeable. [I am ] able to learn and understand more about education psychology

Jay Ng Chien Wee

Counseling / Counseling and Psychotherapy - March 2020 Intake

[The pace of the lesson was comfortable as the] basic fundamentals are covered. [The lecturer was able to keep me interested during class with] examples and videos [and the good features of this module was the] content

Tan Su Xiang Anaissa

Education Psychology - March 2020 Intake

The pace of the lesson was comfortable. The lecturer was able to keep me interested during class. [The] [the learning materials were sufficient and useful]

Nurshaniz Shukriyah Binte Md Hanif

Child Play Therapy - March 2020 Intake

[The lecturer was able to keep me interested during class as] the lecturer was very clear in explaining [the] topics discussed

Kamatchi Sumathi

Child Play Therapy - March 2020 Intake

[The pace of the lesson was comfortable,] good [and] understanding. [The lecturer was able to keep me interested during class with] clearly explained notes. The lecturer was vey helpful [and the course is very] interesting.


Graduate Diploma

Ng Hui

Graduate Diploma in Education and Child Psychology, 2020

[The most important thing I have learnt throughout the course of my study was] time management, self-directed and independent learning. Clear outline of requirements and quick replies from lecturers pertaining to queries regarding [the]course. [I choose MindFORCE Academy because of] good description of course outline, relevant government subsidies and suitability of timings

Chua Yu Ying, Jayne

Graduate Diploma in Education and Child Psychology & Graduate Diploma in Clinical and Counseling – Aug 2020

[What was the most important thing you have learnt throughout your course of study would be to] To be focus and really preserve throughout the entire course. [I enjoyed the] flexibility [and I chose MindFORCE Academy because it] Had the studies I was interested with

Dharisiniah D/O Muraleemohanan

Graduate Diploma in Education and Child Psychology – Dec 2020

I was able to apply some aspects from the modules to work that were very helpful. [The best thing I liked about the course that,] the lecturers helped to make it extremely fun and applicable to work. [ I chose MindFORCE Academy because] it was recommended to me by my work

Siti Nur Wahdah

Graduate diploma in Child and Education Psychology, 2022

The lecturers were engaging. [I choose MindFORCE Academy because] it specializes in the area that I am interested in.

Hong Wanqing

Class of 2019 from Graduate Diploma in Organizational Psychology and Graduate Diploma in Clinical & Child Psychology

I learned the techniques of counseling and that it takes more than studying to be a good counsellor – you need to have the heart to care for others. I enjoyed the lessons thoroughly and learnt a lot from the teachers. The school provided a Graduate Diploma course that is within my affordability, and (their) courses interested me. Thanks much to Celine Edmund for inspiring me to be a counsellor. I’ll do my best in my future endeavors to help others in need.

Pang Chiann Koun (Peng Qunguan)

Class of 2018 from Graduate Diploma in Education & Child Psychology and Graduate Diploma in Clinical and Counseling Psychology

(The most important thing that I learnt throughout my course) were the psychology theories, empathy, child development and practicum exposure. (I liked that) the lecturers were awesome, experienced, caring, kind and warm. The modules covered were relevant and interesting, and (there was) a good selection of modules. The customer service team and academic advisors were friendly and responsive, (and) they took time to explain and answer my enquiries.


Advanced Diploma of Arts

Lau Si Yu

Advanced Diploma of Arts (Child Psychology Emphasis) – Sep 2020

[What was the most important thing you have learnt throughout your course of study would be the] insights it gave me and allowed me to better understand psychology. [The best thing I liked about the course were,] There were wide varieties for me to choose from! So I could see which I had most interest in and moved forward knowing what I wanted. [ I chose MindFORCE Academy because] I felt like the lecturers were good and engaging and the office staff truly cared for my well-being.

Mahaletchumi D/O Ganesan

Class of 2019 from Advanced Diploma of Arts (emphasis in Education Psychology and Child Psychology)

(The most important thing I have learnt throughout my course of study is) how to deal and teach Special Needs Student(s). (I chose MindFORCE Academy because) I always wanted to pursue my education in Psychology or Special Needs.

Deeviya Wahab

Class of 2017

I had an opportunity to begin my career in education industry through this course and I have learnt many useful information about children. (I chose MindFORCE Academy because) my sister studied in this school and the course fees are very reasonable. (The) lessons are planned properly.

Vanitha D/O Jaganathan

Class of 2017

(The most important thing I have learnt throughout my course of study is how) to be an effective psychologist in future, (to) be able to manage stress and cope with crisis, and to be professional and empathetic towards clients. (What I liked about the course was that, it was) fast yet effective. I did my diploma with MindFORCE Academy and it was a good journey, so I continued with MindFORCE Academy. Thank you to the staff of MindFORCE Academy throughout my learning journey especially to Ms Maria and Ms Linda.

Siddhani Pannudurai

Class of 2017

(What I liked best about the course are) the lecturers and module content. offered the course I (was) interested in and passionate about; i.e. Criminology.

Mageswari Arumugam

Class of 2017

I have learnt many things from the course, especially (understanding) criminal minds. I like everything in the program. MindFORCE Academy is the only school (that gives) me a chance to (pursue) my diploma after my ‘O’ Levels. And thanks to all the (lecturers) for all the knowledge and guidance.

Cheah Sui Hwei Shermine

Class of 2016

I’ve (learnt) the basics of psychology, case studies and analysis which allowed me to understand the field of psychology a lot more. I like the flexibility of the classroom schedule and the emphasis on course work (over) exams. (I chose MindFORCE Academy because) it allows me to have the flexibility to work and study at the same time.

Ervinna Kuan

Class of 2016

(The most important thing I have learnt from this program is to be) disciplined and persistent in doing part-time studies. (The lecturers positively) affect students’ morale and motivation to study. (What I liked best about the program was how I could) do the program on my own time according to my work schedule. (I chose MindFORCE Academy after seeing) an (advertisement) on (the) newspaper and courses offered are interesting and not rigid. Lecturers are qualified and program is flexible.

Thong Jie Ying

Class of 2016

(What I like best about the program) is the time frame to complete the program; (and) the lecturers that were teaching the modules are mostly in the line of (practice) and they give real life (case studies). (I chose) MindFORCE Academy because this is the only school that provide Criminology Diploma and Degree. That’s what I had been (eyeing for) very long.

Tay Sui Ling

Class of 2016

(The most important things I have learnt from this program were) learning the different character behaviours and how different people with certain (personalities) behave. (The) lecturers were mostly really engaging and they are qualified to provide all the sufficient and adequate knowledge for the subjects. (I chose MindFORCE Academy because of the) variety in (the) psychology (courses).


Specialist Diploma


Specialist Diploma in Psychology, 2022

[The most important thing I have learnt throughout your course of study you] are never too old to learn new things. It's a course that was never taught in school and it's interesting.

Shilpa Kartik Vaidya

Specialist Diploma in Child Psychology & Counselling Psychology, 2022

Great journey of learning. The course started during Covid 19 and the lecturers were friendly and made all the concepts clear.


Specialist Diploma in Child Psychology, 2020

The lecturers are knowledgeable. It was easy to learn.


Specialist Diploma in Psychology Studies, 2020

[I best about the course] there were wide varieties for me to choose from! So, I could see which I had most interest in and moved forward knowing what I wanted. The course generally gave insights and allowed me to better understand psychology.

Damanpreet Kaur

Specialist Diploma in Criminology and forensic psychology, 2021

[The concepts that I have learnt were useful] in daily life application. [The most important thing] I learnt about our government laws and policies.

Noorellysa Fathin Binte Kamarun Zaman

Specialist Diploma in Child Psychology – Jul 2020

[I chose MindFORCE Academy because it has] monthly affordable instalment plan

Cheng Khing Suan, The New Charis Mission

Specialist Diploma in Criminology - June 2020

would like to extend our deepest appreciation to all of the admin and ops staff for the support in assisting us during our school term.At last, we have completed our Victimology course and we are indeed grateful to have all of you in our journey through this course.

Nazeera Tajudeen

Class of 2018 from Specialist Diploma in Child Psychology

(The most important thing that I learnt throughout my course) is psychology in general and how to understand (the) complex mind in (both) adults and children. I like my lecturers Ms Suki, Ms Celine, Ms Karen and Mr Richard. (They) were so patient (with me) and explained (things to me) throughout all my modules. The management (was also) so patient with my instalments and understand(ing) (about) my situation on my delay of fees. Thank you for a wonderful leaning journey!

Loo Duan Liang (Lu Duanliang)

Class of 2019 from Specialist Diploma in Criminology

(The most important thing I have learnt throughout my course of study is) time management. (What I liked best about the course is) lecturers and peers sharing personal experiences. (I chose MindFORCE Academy because) it provided the course I was interested in.

Suderman Bin Ali

Class of 2017 from Specialist Diploma in Criminology

I feel confident that the processes I was introduced to will really improve my efficiency and increase my confidence. (I chose MindFORCE Academy because of) its recognition to my department.

Yeh WeeCher

Class of 2017 from Specialist Diploma in Criminology

(The most important thing I have learnt throughout my course of study is a) more detail(ed) understanding of human behaviors. It open(ed) me to a lot of issues I didn’t think about in the past. The lecturer(s) are experienced in their own area and they are willing to share. One of the two school(s) that offer what I want – Criminology.

Chen Kai Qing Adrian

Class of 2018 from Specialist Diploma in Forensic Psychology and Specialist Diploma in Counseling Psychology

(The most important thing I have learnt throughout my course of study is) that passion is important when deciding what to do. The lectures were very interesting. (I chose MindFORCE Academy because) I was attracted by the choices available as well as the flexibility.

Thein Mozhi D/O Kumar

Class of 2016 from Specialist Diploma in Special Needs Education

(The most important thing I have learnt from this program is gaining) better knowledge and skills about handling students with special needs. When I go to work, I have better understanding about my students and their psychological issues. (I liked how) the hours and days of courses were very flexible. Lecturers of all modules were very understanding and friendly. was the only school that offered the course I wanted.

Agil Hamzah Bin Zaini

Class of 2018 from Specialist Diploma in Psychology Studies

(What I liked best about the course is the) flexible timing (making it) easy to cope (with lessons). (The) list of modules are very interesting. Thank you for being patient and generous.

Nur Qistina Chow Mei Ling

Class of 2016 from Specialist Diploma in Psychology Studies

I am able to learn a lot from my modules and be able to understand more about psychology and the various types of psychology. There (were) so many things that I have never learn before and I (was) able to learn a lot from the program, which can benefit me for my future career and (on a personal level). My sister recommended (MindFORCE Academy to me) and I have an interest in the courses that MindFORCE Academy is providing.

Yang Pui Wan Wendy

Class of 2013 from Specialist Diploma in Psychology Studies

(The most important thing I learnt from this program is) increase in better relationship with workers. (The best thing about the program is) get to learn about behaviour problems and how to resolve it.

Nadia Farieha

Class of 2016 from Specialist Diploma in Child Psychology

I learnt a lot from my lecturers (Ms Karen, Ms Suki and Ms Celine). They inspired me to become a better educarer to children which is what I’m pursuing in life. (What I liked best about the program were) the lecturers, the people, and the challenging multiple choice exams and essays.

Thilagavani D/O Sugumaran

Class of 2015 from Specialist Diploma in Child Psychology

The important thing I’ve learnt is the learning structure taught by the teachers as well as (the) in-depth learning about the course itself. The best thing about the programme is that the assignments we do holds a bigger value and impact compared to the actual examinations. (The reason I choose MindFORCE Academy is because) it is (located) conveniently near my home and their program structure is good.

Thilaga D/O Subramaniam

Class of 2014 from Specialist Diploma in Child Psychology

(The most important thing I learnt from this program is) handling children in the right manner. The timing of the classes were flexible. (I choose MindFORCE Academy because it is) recommended by friends.

Baseera Beeri

Class of 2014 from Specialist Diploma in Child Psychology

The most important thing I’ve learnt is to work and understand about each module independently. It was challenging to go through each module and I’m glad I’ve achieve well so far. The lecturers were the best. They clearly help me with everything I do not understand. I chose MindFORCE Academy because they offered the course I wanted.

R Lavanya Cynthia

Class of 2013 from Specialist Diploma in Child Psychology

(The most important thing I learnt from this program is) the various developmental issues that might cause psychological need in a child. (What I like best about the program is the) lecturers who were willing to guide (me in a) very warmly (manner). (The reason I choose MindFORCE Academy is because) it was recommended.

Nur Nazirah Bte Rusali

Class of 2013 from Specialist Diploma in Child Psychology

I’ve learnt more about how kids mind works and more knowledge in the modules I’ve taken. I find the counselling module very interesting. I like the classroom environment. I got the chance to learn and discuss with my classmates who has the same interest as me. The lecturers are all very knowledgeable and friendly. I choose MindFORCE Academy because they have good feedbacks from students. They offered the course I wanted.

Kimberley Teo Qiao Lim

Class of 2019 from Specialist Diploma in Organizational Psychology

(What I liked best about the course is the) relatively comfortable pace. (I chose MindFORCE Academy) due to the installment options available.

Max Lee Chin Fong

Class of 2012 from Specialist Diploma in Organizational Psychology

Overall, the course has given me a different insight of how psychology works. Everything that was offered is great. It gives me better time management when it comes to family and studying.

Tang Xian Yu

Class of 2016 from Specialist Diploma in Criminology

All the modules that I had learned in the program (were) fun and interesting. (I chose MindFORCE Academy as it) provided the suitable program for me to further (my) studies. (The) friendly staff at MindFORCE Academy always gave support during the course.

Albert Silvaraj

Class of 2014 from Specialist Diploma in Criminology

(The most important thing I learnt from this program is how) to have better relationship with people and understanding them more in-depth. (What I like best about the program is the) flexible class hours and dedicated lecturers. (I choose MindFORCE Academy because it) was recommended by friends.

Jessintha Kaur D/O Jogindar Singh

Class of 2014 from Specialist Diploma in Criminology

(The most important thing I learnt from this program is) the different ways of handling people and (seeing things from) their point of view. The programme structure and as well as all the interesting topics (are what I like best about the program). (I choose MindFORCE Academy because) I believe that it is the only institution that provides (a Specialist Diploma in Criminology).

Ahmad Ridhwan Bin Rosli

Class of 2014 from Specialist Diploma in Criminology

(The most important thing I learnt from this program is the) way to solve different types of problems in a different perspective. (The best thing about the program is) how interactive the classes and lecturers are. (I choose MindFORCE Academy because) the course criminology attracts me.

Madhavan Vidhya

Class of 2013 from Specialist Diploma in Criminology

I have learned the concept of psychology and how I can apply dealing with people in my daily life. The concepts/theories related to various personality in a person and some of the techniques in counselling a person. The program is broken down into exams, essays and assignments which allows me to have a wide knowledge of each modules. (MindFORCE Academy is) the only institute that I researched offering diploma in criminology in Singapore.

Muhammad Sabir Bin Mamon Basir

Class of 2013 from Specialist Diploma in Criminology

(The most import thing I learn from this program is) I learnt about the mind of a criminal, what made them react in such a violent way, how to socialize with people around us. (The best thing about the program is) After commencing the program, I found that the lecturers have vast experience in their field and also gave their own experience in order for us to understand the subject well. (I choose MindFORCE Academy because) It was near my woring place and flexible working hours.

Jason Wee Jia Ming

Class of 2013 from Specialist Diploma in Criminology

(The most important thing I learnt from this program is) I learnt to see things in a psychological and criminological perspective. I have gained valuable knowledge from different modules. (The best thing about the program is) I like how the lecturers managed to make lessons interesting and less tedious for students without any criminology or psychology experiences. (I choose MindFORCE Academy because) MindFORCE Academy is the only school in Singapore that has Criminology.


WSQ courses

Zephan Alexander Chen

Classroom Management (WSQ), Jun 2022

[The Lecturer] is experienced and well versed in her work. [The pace of the lesson] was well-planned and everything was listed out for the learners.


Para-Counselling (WSQ) - 30 Oct 2021

"The class was well conducted in an interesting manner and the trainer ensured all questions were answered. She shared many real-life examples shown to help us understand the topics better."


Present Information (WSQ) - 11 Nov 2021

"The lesson was smooth going and not rushed where the trainer put in extra effort to keep everyone engaged with videos that helped us understand better. The trainer gave clear instructions for the assessment and responded to all questions promptly and professionally.

Rajeswari D/O Chandra Seger

Family and Caregiver Engagement (WSQ) - 16 Nov 2021

 "The trainer conducted the class very well, keeping us informed and explaining every topic clearly by walking us through. She shared a lot of interesting information and explained the topics clearly and interesting manner. She responded to our doubts and questions promptly and assist everyone with doubts and ensured no one was left behind. I learned new things which were beneficial and useful for my assessment where we evaluate how much we understood the module. The module will be extremely beneficial to me personally as well as in the future.”


Para-Counselling (WSQ) - 1 Dec 2021

“The trainer gave special and clear instructions on what to focus on and how the assessment is being conducted. She engages with the class well with a good tone of voice, keeping the class fun and professionally responding to questions to the best of her knowledge promptly. The trainer was fantastic and with high-quality presentation material shared. This was definitely a good course.”

Lee Siew Huang (Julie)

Para-Counselling (WSQ) - 1 Dec 2021

“The trainer is knowledgeable and gave good examples and helped students understand the topics taught with good slides. She explained how we were to be assessed with materials and guides and references and initiated one-to-one sessions on our learning outcomes.”

Rajeswari D/O Chandra Seger

Family and Caregiver Engagement (WSQ) - 16 Nov 2021

“I decided to resume my studies after ten years since MindFORCE Academy had given me hope and helped me so much. I didn’t know where and how to start so I looked for a school to enroll in and came across Arium. All the staffs were extremely pleasant and helpful. They guided me through everything and kept me informed about all the modules. I learnt a lot from all the modules thus far. Both of my lecturers, Eulisia Er and Camellia who taught Early Intervention, Family & Caregiver Engagement, and Resilience & Self-Care respectively were outstanding. They knew exactly what to do and assist us throughout the modules.”

Anusiri Kuna Sekran

Resilience and Self Care (WSQ), Jun 2022

The module highlighted self-awareness on the areas i need improvement.

Lee Chuan Jie

Resilience and Self Care (WSQ), Jun 2022

[The Lecturer] was experienced and engaging.

Muhammad Ubaidullah Bin Muhammad Ubaidurrahman

Resilience and Self Care (WSQ), Jun 2022

[I am clear on how i am being assessed] Lecturer specifically met one-to-one to further clarify our doubts. For me as a student, this is important for me to get feedback from teachers about our answer and corrections.

P Ushanandini

Resilience and Self Care (WSQ), Jun 2022

[The pace of the lesson] was going in a smooth pace, allowing us to understand the module clearly. [The lecturer] gave real life scenarios to understand the topics.

Shafika Nur Annisa

Resilience and Self Care (WSQ), Jun 2022

The course allowed us to understand the cause of physical illness due to stress.

Faiz Ranny

Ethics, Values and Legislation (WSQ), Jun 2022

[The Lecturer] was amazing, thoroughly engaging and it always feels like I've learnt something coming out of her classes, 10/10.

Siti Zahrinah Binte Othman

Ethics, Values and Legislation (WSQ), Jun 2022

[Good features of the course / module?] Case study discussions and lecturer's facilitations. [The Lecturer] was able to keep me interested during class by always showing examples and encouraging active participation sessions.

Annie Chaw

Annie Chaw - Resilience and Self-Care - 15 Oct 2021

"The Trainer managed the class with clear subject’s outline, responded to all our questions well, and shared a lot of life experiences and stories."

Juliana Jafri

Para-Counselling (WSQ), May 2022

This course allowed me to better understand what counselling is actually about.

Kamzarina Binte Kamcin

Para-Counselling (WSQ), Apr 2022

[The lecturer] was very helpful and always ensured that we understand the lesson well

Cynthia Xin Ying

Para-Counselling (WSQ), Apr 2022

[The lecturer] was very knowledgeable, nice and i managed to learn a lot. I look forward to attending her classes every week as it is super fun and not boring at all. I really have learnt so much about counselling though it was a short course.

Mohammad Firdaus Bin Ramli

Para-Counselling (WSQ), Apr 2022

[The lecturer] was wonderful and I got to learn valuable insights from her with regards to the skills acquired.

Gabriel Loh

Para-Counselling (WSQ), Jul 2022

The course duration was just right for the materials went through.

Eugene Goh

Para-Counselling (WSQ), Jul 2022

[The lecturer] did a very good job of educating us about the content that we were learning.

Lin Li Jun

Para-Counselling (WSQ), Jul 2022

The practical examples shared were able to help me relate to the theories taught.

Chan Sau Wai

Para-Counselling (WSQ), Jul 2022

There were new concepts taught and it was useful for those who would like to be a counsellor in the future.


Resilience and Self-Care (WSQ), Sep 2022

The course delivery is very interesting, [The Lecturer] shared lots of personal experiences and it resonated me for betterment.

Sandiya D/O Veerasekaran

Family and Caregiver Engagement (WSQ), Jun 2022

The roleplay was beneficial and a good lesson for me.

Zephan Alexander Chen

Family and Caregiver Engagement (WSQ), Jun 2022

[The Lecturer] shared with us her experiences which allowed me to get a better understanding about family engagement.

Adli Nur Hakim Bin Ariffin

Para-Counselling (WSQ), Jul 2022

[The lecturer] was amazing and was very detailed with her sharing.

Maisarah Kasim

Ethics, Values and Legislation (WSQ), Jun 2022

[The lecturer] was able to pace the session comfortably and cover all topics thoroughly before the assessment. The sharing of personal experiences was very relatable with my current position; kept me looking forward to class.

Rabiatul Adawiyah Barrique Binte Omar

Provide Go-The-Extra-Mile Service - Aug 2020

Very engaging and approachable [lecturer]. [I] was informed what we need to do to pass after [the] introductions[was] made via ice breakers. [The notes were] short and concise. [This module is] very easy to understand and great demo for good service rapport

Ruzanna Binte Hafiz

Case Management in Practice - Oct 2020

Interesting module. Something that i wanted to learn as my work field has such position. [The lecturer] has been really working hard and I can see her commitment. I appreciate her time spend to educate us. I would love to engage more with such module related.

Seah Xin Ping

Case Management in Practice - Oct 2020

Good lecturer. Learn a lot of things in case management such as intake assessment, counselling skills, case management process [and] crisis intervention

Tan Meow Lan Joyce

Para-Counselling - Dec 2020

[The lecturer] shared a lot of analogies that is relevant to this topic and is easy to understand the theories and methods used and walk[ed] us through the WSQ assessment and we are clear amount the assessment.

Lee Siew Hwang

Para-Counselling - Nov 2020

Lecturer was really engaging and kept us all very interested. Lessons covered were extremely useful. Lecturer took time to explain to us how we’re being assessed. Every questions and remarks are being responded in a clear and concise manner to help us to understand better. [This module] has helped me to understand better and my next steps. Overall, the lecturer paces it well.

Janice Chiu Dong Fuh

Para-Counselling - Nov 2020

[The lecturer] takes time to explain to me (& class in general) the techniques of counselling so it is easily understandable what standard is required during the oral test. She takes time to listen attentively to queries and would respond immediately & constructively throughout the course. [There were] sufficient material to readout including the handout booklet from MindFORCE Academy. [This module] gives us clear background understanding to counselling explaining concepts and theory.

Pang Yi long

Para-Counselling - Nov 2020

[The lecturer] ensure we understand and revise at the start n end of lesson.[She] is capable making the class alive, interactive and most fun class to be in. [She also uses] simple example to ensure I understand difficult words n terms. [It was a] stepping stone to start for my diploma.

Alan Leong Fook Kwong

Para-Counselling - Nov 2020

[The lecturer] shared her professional counselling experience and real case studies to connect with the theory of the guide handbook. Lecturer was able to explain very clearly on the method and mode of assessments to be used on us [The] lecturer was able to give answers supported by real case studies in counselling to reinforce class participations. The assessments in term of time management for students to learn and be competent for achieve the learning outcome was acceptable and appreciated. I was able to learnt and appreciate the skills and knowledge of para counselling for senior / matured participants like me.

Jemma Chan Jia Hui

Early Intervention: Fundamentals and Principles (WSQ) - Oct 2020

[The lecturer] makes the lessons interesting and engaging. Very meaningful. She shares with us practical learning materials that we could recreate. [The course is] Very interesting sharing of personal experiences to help us relate.

Laura Alicia Lawrence

Resilience and Self-Care - Oct 2020

It was easy to just be myself and the ambience was lively too. There were so many activities that i found enjoyable. [The lecturer] makes sure that we are satisfied with the answers given for our questions before moving on to the next topic. We managed to use all our materials especially for our vision board. [The lecturer] constantly makes sure there are activities to recap

Premelatha Mohan

Resilience and Self-Care - Oct 2020

The learners guide was very useful. Learning materials were very detailed and simple to understand. the lecturer always gives an excellent explanation with examples for all the questions I had. The way of teaching was very easy to understand.

Leona Alicia Lawrence

Resilience and Self-Care - Oct 2020

The lecturer made sure we were comfortable to share our views on the course. Sharing with us the different type of techniques to cope with stress.  [The lecturer] provided us with markers and Learner’s guide to create a vision board and to gain more knowledge about this course. I can learn more from the book with various topics covered so it was effective.

Cynthia Kong

Write Reports - Sep 2020

[The lecturer] was very helpful by sending us relevant links needed to better assist us with Academic and report writing. This has really helped me to write my essays/thesis and reports better.

Chan Hui Yan

Write Reports - Sep 2020

Report writings are never taught at work and people always assumed that one would know how to do it. Love this course as it gives a level of clarity on what I’m expected of when I’m being tasked to write reports.

Tan Meow Lan Joyce

Case Management in Practice - Oct 2020

Pacing is good with necessary breaks to keep us engaged. [The lecturer] provided us with good analogies that are congruent to the topic. Questions are answered according to [the lecturer] prior experience which is easy to understand. Course content are well paged according to the various different topics

Cynthia Kong

Resilience and Self-Care - Jul 2020

By understanding resilience it helps us to better cultivate it be it within ourselves or for our clients. Everything can be found in the learners guide. [The lecturer] used a lot of references which kept me intrigued in learning about the areas of resilience. Pace [of the lesson] was comfortable and i enjoyed it very much.

Venkateshkumar Pillai S/O Thanabal

Respond to Service Challenges - Jun 2020

[The pace of the lesson] was a comfortable, so that we could understand and also we were asked questions to ensure that we understood. [The lecturer was able to keep me interested during class with] Quiz and role plays. All my questions were answered making me have a better understanding. [The lesson was] Detailed and informative

Hema D/O Maniam

Provide Go-The-Extra-Mile Service - Jun 2020

The lecturer was very knowledgeable and had the whole class involved throughout. A good arrangement was done maintain the social distancing. [The lecturer] entice the class by case studying and prompting the students into deeper thoughts, leading to course objective and learning outcome.

Dharisiniah D/O Muraleemohanan

Provide Go-The-Extra-Mile Service - Jun 2020

[The lecturer] was constantly sharing her experiences and prompting us to apply the content covered in practical situations. [The lecturer] was able to explain the content very clearly and also on how to use the ideas in practical/real life scenarios. She constantly prompted us to think out of the box and analyze situations.

Ang Shu Min

Para-Counselling - Jun 2020

The pace of the lessons and how the lecturer carries out was comfortable but the hours were too long. [The lecturer] is nice, friendly and approachable. Learnt a lot from and good revisions too. It was useful it gave me a clearer idea or picture on how i can improve if I want to take up this as my career

Cynthia Kong

Para-Counselling - Jun 2020

[The lecturer] came up with many role-plays and threw many interesting questions across to keep everyone intrigued. [The lecturer] Lina always made sure to double check by asking if she has answer the question. It helped me understand and evaluate more on different therapies.

Adelyn Leong

Para-Counselling (WSQ)- 31 July 2021

"The trainer was very patient and open to all questions and knew how to engage with the students in the lessons and made difficult-to-understand syllabus materials easy to comprehend.“ "Though the lessons were conducted over MS Team, the trainer made the lesson so interesting as if they were live classes." 

Cassandra Oh

Para-Counselling (WSQ) - 17 Sep 2021

 "A million sincere thanks to you for conducting such an interesting and informative lecture. With your sharing sessions and videos, seemingly difficult became easy for me and added more to my understanding of the course. I really learned a lot! “

Arissa Nur Jihan Binte Othman

Para-Counselling (WSQ) - 17 Sep 2021

"I thoroughly enjoyed this course and hope to expand my acquired knowledge further into the practice. The trainer is highly professional and qualified and my experience at Arium School has been very beneficial. I will definitely introduce this program to my friends.“


Para-Counselling (WSQ) - 13 Aug 2021

"The trainer was very knowledgeable and approachable. She gave many relevant and applicable examples that had helped my learning. The use of role-playing was also very helpful.“

Tok Shou Wee

Resilience and Self-Care (WSQ) - 24 Sep 2021

“Very knowledgeable lecturer/ Great course notes. The lecturer was very good at facilitating discussions, even online”

Jasmine Foong Sock Chin

Para-Counselling (WSQ) - 15 Oct 2021

"Kudos to the trainer as she was able to continuously engage and motivate us even though the class was held online with well managed online assessment.”


MindFORCE modules (Criminology Courses)

Ruzanna Binte Hafiz

Family Violence - March 2020 Intake

[[The] good features of the module were the lecturer] conduct[s] excellent lessons.

Jayanthi D/O Ramachandran

Family Violence - March 2020 Intake

[The pace of the lesson was comfortable and the lecturer] was very detailed

Muhammad Afiq bin Mohammad Hafidz

Forensic Psychology - Dec 2020 Intake

[The lecturer] is great conducting the lesson as her knowledge is broad but it is still less engaging perhaps being, it is conducted online. But it is something we have to adjust in the near future

Nashyra Nur Vianna

Social Problems & Social Welfare, Apr 2022

[The Lecturer] was able to keep me interested during class by held discussions after every topic as it keeps the engagement going.

Janice Chiu

Social Problems & Social Welfare, Apr 2022

Wide range of topics regarding social welfare outlined.

Danko-Stefan Daniel Anthony Desker

Social Problems & Social Welfare, Apr 2022

It was very helpful that i could download the previous lesson to revise and check if i missed anything

Candy Seah

Social Problems & Social Welfare, Apr 2022

Love the fact that there's recording and can be done through Microsoft Teams. Makes learning more efficient than face to face


Social Problems & Social Welfare, Apr 2022

[The Lecturer] was always ready and willing to guide.

Muhammad Ubaidullah Bin Muhammad Ubaidurrahman

Social Problems & Social Welfare, Apr 2022

Provided exposure to MSF and Singapore Services.


Group Counselling Process and Practice, Apr 2022

Small group discussions with different classmates allow us to observe group dynamics. Assessments help to consolidate what we learnt.


Group Counselling Process and Practice, Apr 2022

I learnt alot though i'm not that good with theories. Ms Celine made it possible and easier for me to understand. [The lecturer] was very helpful when responding to questions and never fails to answer clearly.



Kannan Vasantha

Specialist Diploma in Special Needs Education and Specialist Diploma in Educational Psychology, 2019 | Internship at MindChamps Allied Care @ East Coast

[The most important thing I have learnt throughout my internship is that, there is] much more to learn. [The supervisor has] thorough knowledge of her field [and she is] very understanding